You will have noticed by now that I am using the word 'We' in replacement of 'I' this is a nod to our collective cocreation as manifestations of the one Universal Energy. The more we think about ourselves in this way the more connected we will all become. Co creation is another universal law that we encourage you to learn fully whilst in this human experience. Co creation is easy enough we do it every day without thinking about it. In contrast the opposit it individualtion which leaves us feeling alone and lost in our experience. Wishart has often experienced this aloneness along her journey when she was healing and those closest to her were not able to be there for her. This is why you need someone to lean on during your process and this may not be those nearest and dearest to you. Wishart asks you to reach out to her if you are experiencing this situation. She will be there for you in the most profound way. This is not about payment. Reach out and you will find Satsang. A Buddhist term for community.
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