So lets begin thinking of this experience, your Human experience as being not a combination of past, present and future but as one unique experience. The Present Moment. The Ego will have you beleive that past and future are valid experiences and have a very real property to them. It will encourage you and so will your conditioning that past is a reality which tells you who you are and future is a reality which tells you where you are going. In a Universal sense neither of these realities exist they are just a figment of the Egoic Mind. The only reality is the Present Moment. The Present Moment is where you exist now and has no problems inherant in it. It is a place of great joy even if you are not feeling the best in the Present Moment. Do not be convinced of past and future they do not exist. To access the Present Moment all you have to do is to be here now. Feel everything that is presented to you in the Present Moment. Relish every simple pleasure and enjoy lifes simplicity.
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