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Mental Health & Spirituality

Wishart has experienced psychosis as part of her Spiritual Journey and this has been a big learning experience for her. It is natural to have fear about the outcome of these experiences. If you have any experiences like this you will understand that it can make you feel like your mental health procludes you from having a Spiritual experience. But it does not. Once Awakened the chances of mental health distrurbance are greatly reduced. However the chance of Mystical experiences are increased and this is what Wishart is currently struggling with. Because Mystical experiences are unexplainable just as many mental health symptoms are unexplainable. This is a period of adjustment leaving behind a fear based paradigm and embracing that you do not know every conceivable way that the Universe or your Higher Power can oporate. It takes time to come to terms with this especially if as a symptom of Awakening you have experienced mental health symptoms. Take time to realise that you are not the only power oporating in this experience. Take time to accept these feelings of concern about your experience. It will pass and everything will be ok.

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