Whilst unawakened you will encounter lots of Karmic connections, remember Karma just means action and reaction. So if you dont react these connections wither and pass out of your experience relatively quickly. Once Awakened your Karma is neutral. This does not mean that it does not exist it just means your lack of reaction to it does not allow it to manifest fully in your experience. When encountering a potentially negative Karmic connection just surrender and allow it to unfold as it is Divinely Guided. Any uncomfortable feelings this evokes just sit with them untl they have passed. Karma is a form of contrast and is necessary n your Human Experience to gude you towards Awakenng. Once Awakening has occured it will gradually be replaced by the contrast between Divine Guidance and the Human Experience. So feel free to feel anythng whch s nessecary about other peoples actions and reactons just allow your Divine Gudance to show you how to become non reactve to these condtions.
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