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Karma is a state of action and reaction to contrast. As an unawakened or partially awakened being you will experience your fair share of Karma as you journey towards Awakeneing. Once Awakening happens Karma will come to an end. A new style of contrast between Awakened and Unawakened will take precidence. Please excuse my spelling I am perfectly imperfect just as an Awakened being should be. Karma can be good or bad (as you might refer to it as an unawakened being) the best way to navigate this experience is to remain as calm as possible. Do not react to the experiences you encounter. As an Awakened being, as with the Buddhist tradition, Karma will come to an end being replaced with peace, joy and bliss. As you transition and integrate into an Awakened state you will notice some residual reactions to human conditions. Just allow this as it will pass without incident. Remeber you have been conditioned by the Egoic mind to react to everything and this takes some time to stop.

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