You will often encounter difficult people on your Spiritual Journey. They are unhealed and do not mean to cause you difficulty. Their challenging behaviour is a product of unhealed parts of them and often manifests in them feeling like they can do and say anything they want without repercussions. Remember that Karma plays a big part in their life. They are Karmically affected every day due to their behaviour towards others. If for example you have a parent who likes to exagerate your negative attributes try to offer them some form of forgiveness. This will be a challenge at first but as you become more practiced you will be more at peace from this method of action than you will through resistance. They will realise the error of their ways through your persistance and eventually stop all negative interaction. Parental interaction is often the most triggering or old wounds and traumas. If you find yourself triggered then take time to reregulate yourself by spending time alone. The altercation will be forgotten soon and all will return to normal. If repeat triggering occurs then find a safe space to spend time until it is resolved. Remember if you offer no resistance then it will be difficult for a Karmic parent to continue with their percieved ritiousness.
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