Bliss is a state of being which encompasses all that is good about the Human Experience matched with the Divine. To experience Bliss you have to have experienced all of the Human Experiences possible. Bliss is a combination of love, joy and peace and although we have discribed it as such it really is an experience all of its own and defies definition. Bliss is reserved for those who have fully Awakened and comes about after Integration with your Higher Self and also a period of settling which provides a state which brings you fully into the Present Moment. Without experiencing all of the Human experiences possible Bliss would be unatainable. Without a period of settling into the Present Moment Bliss would be unattainable. As an Awakened Being a state of Bliss will come and go. Sometimes it is mistakenly thought that Bliss is perminent. Which ever state of Awakening you are presently at you are always having a Human Experience and states come and go naturally like the seasons.
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