The state you will inhabit post Awakening is one of Bliss. Bliss is a lovely state where the cares of the world do not matter to you any more. It does not detract from your ability to look after or care for yourself and you will at all times be safe to go about your daily activities as you are now Divinely Guided. Being Divinely Guided is a nurturing energy and any additional skills you inherit from your Awakening will be of a nuturing nature too. Bliss will commence when you have completed your integration of your Higher Self and have let go of all residual behaviours, conditioning and Egoic Thought. Yes these are still possible in the initial period after Awakening because you have spent a life time following them and with any habits they take a time to relax and fall away. Do not get disheartened at this stage as this is completely natural. It may be a little annoying, again another Egoic habit but will subside naturally. Bliss awaits you at this point and it is not possible to go back to your old Egoic Conditioning and behaviours. Nor would you want to.
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