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Awareness Witnessing Itself

Your physical body is an illusion made real by the Egoic Mind and its many stories. The reality you see with your eyes is an illusion, the sound you hear with your ears is an illusion. You are just conciousness experiencing itself in Human form. The Human body is fragile and a phenominal collection of energy just one point of conciousness in a sea of energy. How do you think that God or the Universe wished you to reside in this knowledge. Surrender is the answer. Let go, once you have gained this knowledge there is no going back so surrender is nessecary. Conciousness is all knowing. All seeing. All understanding. There is no God just you experiencing youself. God is a handy tool to help you through the final stages of Awakening. Another illusion of the mind. However there is a Higher Power which is conciousness. This may seem a little con fusing as we have been talking about God or the Universe quite a lot. It is time to up the anti and realise that Conciousness is the key to the garden of Eden or Awakening.

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